Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome, New Students!

Welcome, new MLIS students! You don't have to be an ALA member to join our group. Please come and find out more about us at either or both of these events:

Monday, September 19, 2011
Student Group Info Night
CDC Ground Floor

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
ALASC New Member Meeting and Potluck!
CDC 361
Also, please like us on Facebook and consider joining the ALA and/or MLA. Student memberships are only $33 and $25, respectively, and with your ALA membership, you get American Libraries magazine and a weekly e-newsletter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MLA 2011: Dinner with Colleagues

Check out the Local Arrangements blog of the Minnesota Library Association annual conference for a great networking opportunity: Dinner with Colleagues. You can sign up to have dinner on Thursday night (October 13) during the conference in Duluth and meet working librarians in a field of your choosing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Minnesota Library Association Conference Cresting the Horizon!

  • Pricing--They haven't started taking registrations yet, but you can see they don't have a student registration rate, so exchanging volunteer hours for free registration is a great bargain (not to mention networking opportunity, etc.). Volunteer info is below.
  • Agenda with "At a Glance" or complete session info options. Note that I've been told the Wednesday night "Killer Cocktails" Readers Advisory Round Table happy hour would be a great place for us to gather as a student group.
  • Conference hotels--Note that these are not required, just options, and there are a million choices in Canal Park or downtown that would be appropriate. Our student group can help match you with a roommate if you want to save some money that way. Similarly, I'm happy to help arrange carpooling.
Why should you attend this conference? If you want to work at a library in Minnesota, this is your chance to meet librarians from throughout the state who work in all different kinds of institutions and positions. If you're open to working at different types of libraries (or just want to know more about what's out there), this is the place that brings together librarians from across the spectrum. Volunteering takes you even deeper into the conference experience. Here's the scoop:
  1. For a single day of free registration, the following volunteer requirement must be met:  Wednesday (2 hours), Thursday (3 hours), and Friday (2 hours). Volunteer opportunities include: introducing session speakers, staffing registration table, and more.
  2. In order to receive the entire conference registration free (all three days), students must volunteer for seven hours, broken down as above.
  3. Students wanting free conference registration must be members of MLA. This is still a bargain because a student membership is only $25.
For questions or to sign up, please contact Stephanie Hall (halls -at- Stephanie and I have been in touch, and while she's trying to set her volunteer schedule now, if you're not ready to commit yet, you can contact her later to see what might be available for you. She seems very flexible and happy to have student volunteers.

As always, let me know if you have questions about anything, and I'll do what I can!